Content Marketing Strategy Tips for Skincare and Beauty Brands

Are you getting ready to create new content for your skincare or beauty brand? Maybe you feel like what you’ve been doing has worked adequately, but you know it’s time to take things to the next level.

If you want to change, this is the perfect time to figure out where you’re headed (or jot down some goals for the next few months). With online shopping and digital experiences growing exponentially year after year, content is more important than ever, and a good content strategy can mean the difference between providing your customers with a great experience and losing out on sales.

It’s been an exciting time for skincare and the beauty industry. Beloved favorite brands are looking for new ways to stay relevant in a constantly changing market and new, indie brands are sprouting up quickly and powerfully thanks to influencer marketing and social media.

So, where does that leave you and your skincare or beauty brand? Keep reading if you’re ready to revamp your content and give your website a breath of fresh air.

Content Marketing Strategy Tips for Skincare and Beauty Brands

If you’re new to the idea of content marketing strategy or you just need a little nudge in the right direction, here are some content marketing strategy tips you’ll want to consider going forward:

Keep your content fresh

Ask most of your customers, and they’ll tell you they found a product because it was shared on Instagram or TikTok, not because they found it directly through your brand.

Why the shift in attention away from brand content and more to ‘everyday people’ with a social media following?

One good explanation is that brands have become complacent with their content and provide customers with a lukewarm experience at best.

This means customers craving more knowledge, guidance, or interaction are turning to the Internet to find it with influencers. Popular influencers have established themselves as authority figures creating beauty and skincare content, and that’s where your customers are going for product information.

Want to start directing traffic back to your website (I’m pretty sure you will say yes)?

Create a consistent content calendar that provides quality posts and ongoing content for your audience. You want your brand to be the go-to for skincare and beauty, so create authoritative content that will appeal to readers looking for answers and secure your position as an expert in the market!

Mix up the type of content you create to attract customers at different stages in the buying process. Here are just some of the different formats to try:

  • How-To posts

  • Tutorials

  • Trends + News

  • Product Spotlights

  • In-depth, educational pieces

Personalize the content so it speaks to your customer

Online shoppers have endless options.

When they’re looking for something new or a product outside their current routine, it typically means that any product they come across will be new to them. This is also a time when readers are learning more about skincare and beauty products—what they do, which ingredients are important, which ones should be avoided, and even why such products should be added to a routine.

This is an opportunity to give them all the necessary answers to make an informed purchase.

One essential tip for creating a content marketing strategy for skincare and beauty brands is to develop content designed to build trust and help consumers. Don’t just focus on the product or marketing copy—your audience wants (and is searching) for much more!

Customers want to know how to use a product, what ingredients are in the formula, and why they’re important – not to mention how it will help their skin.

Customizing routines or simplifying the process makes a big difference, too! Paula’s Choice does a great job personalizing an online experience by having customers take a quiz called Find My Routine to determine the best rundown of products for their skin type or concerns.

This interactive engagement builds trust and puts customers before products they might not see.

Content = Opportunity

Blog posts answering (along with URL links to purchase recommended products) common questions, sharing knowledge that establishes your brand as an authority in the industry, or encouraging engagement are three ways to strengthen the relationship between your brand and shoppers.

Fresh, ongoing content creates an amazing opportunity for your brand and boosts traffic to increase or maintain a visible spot in search engine results.

Bottom line: content is your connection from the brand to your audience. Want to build a meaningful relationship with your customers? Want to provide them with content they won’t want to leave your website to get? Want to be a leading brand in the beauty or skincare industry?

It’s all about that content.

Once you have content in place or mapped out, the next thing to do is figure out how you’re going to share the information with your customers!

What is a content marketing strategy?

A content marketing strategy is — in a nutshell — how you plan to create and share your skincare or beauty content with a target market.

It’s important to have content for a few reasons:

  • It gives you something to share on social media or to email lists

  • Great content drives leads and traffic back to your website (this is KEY)

  • Posting quality and consistent content is rewarded by search engines

While having good content is ideal, it’s really one of the first steps in the process. Here are the steps to take to get your strategy in place:

  • Figure out what you want your content to do (what’s the goal?)

  • Understand your target market and what they want from the brands they follow

  • Narrow down your channels — where do your customers hang out online?

  • Determine what type of content you want to create — blogs are one of the best tools in the content marketing strategy toolbox

  • Create a content calendar - quarterly is a good place to start!

  • Start writing that content (or hire a writer to do it for you)

  • Share your content to your preferred channels

  • Track the data!

This is a simplified rundown of creating a content marketing strategy for skincare and beauty brands, but it’s a great place to start! If you have questions, reach out so I can help.


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